- To promote destinations with airline connections from Ljubljana Airport.
- To encourage passenger arrivals at Ljubljana Airport
- To build long-term awareness of the destinations accessible to the passengers departing from Slovenia's main airport.
To promote destinations with airline connections from Ljubljana Airport, encourage passenger arrivals at Ljubljana Airport and build long-term awareness of the destinations accessible to the passengers departing from Slovenia’s main airport.
Fraport Slovenija operates in an extremely competitive environment, with at least five other airports in the region competing for passengers. The largest share of communication regarding airline connections is carried out by airlines. However, most do not have local branches on the Slovenian market due to its small size and are less active in promoting flights.
Strategy and data-driven creative solution using online advertising
To promote locations accessible from Ljubljana Airport, Fraport Slovenija has launched a continuous advertising campaign on its Ljubljana Airport FLY programmatic platform. Fraport Slovenija is using iPROM Private DMP (Data Management Platform) to analyse data from all its past and current digital activities in real time and uses deep learning to identify the target group of potential passengers interested in travel within a global ecosystem for programmatic display advertising. Fraport Slovenija also uses iPROM Real-time Creative technology, which creates web adverts for airline connections from Ljubljana Airport in real time with prices and destinations matched to the interests of each individual traveller.
Fraport Slovenija uses deep learning to enhance the proprietary data collected in iPROM Private DMP with »look-alike« target groups and relevant, independent third-party data on destinations, flights and air fares. This strategy allows the company to only display its advertising messages to those digital media users who were most likely to buy a ticket for a flight from Ljubljana Airport.
Advertising results
20,000 monthly visitors to the “Where to Travel” website’s new landing page with destination details and 2,500 monthly air ticket sales. Advertising investment per ticket sold (ad spend) is ≈ €2.
About Ljubljana Airport FLY
The Ljubljana Airport’s FLY platform is based on iPROM’s programmatic advertising platform and iPROM Private DMP solution. It enables the Ljubljana Airport operator to use its own secure data warehouse for targeted advertising in content-based digital media. In its data warehouse, Fraport Slovenija collects, analyses, and protects all data related to its digital activities. These include behavioural patterns of the visitors to Fraport Slovenija’s website and portal, as well as data on all users reached through previous digital advertising campaigns and data from back-end systems such as flight data, Wi-Fi hotspots, arrivals and departures.
The data in Fraport Slovenija’s data warehouse, which is based on iPROM Private DMP technology, is not accessible to competitors and cannot be used by competing providers and other advertisers to plan and execute their advertising activities, unlike those based on freely accessible advertising solutions within closed ecosystems, such as those offered by Meta and Alphabet. This provides Fraport Slovenija with full control and ownership of the data and thus a strong differentiating and long-term strategic competitive advantage.
With its own independent digital advertising platform Ljubljana Airport FLY, Fraport Slovenija respects the privacy of its users in compliance with the latest European GDPR guidelines. Its data on users it reaches across all digital touchpoints is protected from its competitors with a separate and secure advertising infrastructure, while the company is able to use it to access global digital advertising inventory in a transparent, direct and targeted fashion. The solution takes advantage of the state-of-the-art features and benefits of the Open Web 3.0 advertising standards, independence from walled-garden platforms, higher return on advertising investments and thus a solid foundation for its future advertising activities.