
Digital media drives a record number of online orders for Kalia

Kalia is a brand of the online store for gardening supplies, equipment, and tools. In just two weeks, the company’s online sales revenues driven by digital media advertising matched the online sales revenues for the entire 2019.

As part of the “Seeds and Seedlings” advertising campaign, we used the iPROM Cloud programmatic platform to display ads in Slovenian media exclusively. Compared to foreign media and platforms, these have proven to be the most effective in terms of reach and sales results.

Advertising in digital media results in record online sales - Case study - iPROM


We used traditional and advanced ad formats and sophisticated behavioural targeting to reach more than 475,000 users, 13,000 of whom visited the website. iPROM Native and iPROM Native video formats have proven to be particularly effective by allowing us to display advertising messaging alongside other content on individual digital media properties. The bounce rate for these formats was slightly lower than the website average.

During the advertising campaign, Kalia online store saw a record number of online orders. In March, sales indices for seeds and seedling categories exceeded 1,000, which shows the brand encouraged (new) consumer shopping habits.