
iPROM has launched iPROM Advertorial, an innovative digital advertising solution that combines the buying of ad space for advertorials with exposure through native ads. This solution allows advertisers to target users using first-party data and efficiently extend the reach of their advertorials to interested users and similar audiences.

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Accurate targeting using first-party data

iPROM Advertorial enables centralised buying of ad space for advertorials and uses advanced targeting based on first-party data to display content to relevant audiences on selected editorial online media properties. This approach increases the reach and effectiveness of advertising campaigns. iPROM Advertorial uses algorithms to identify similar user profiles and extend the reach of the advertorial through native ads to reach a broader potentially interested audience.

Centralised buying of advertorials with advertising metrics

Once iPROM Advertorial is integrated into media strategies, it ensures a seamless user experience. Advertorials are thoughtfully located in digital media to maintain visual and contextual consistency with the original content. This solution enables centralised publication of advertorials in quality online media properties and provides real-time tracking of advertising metrics and performance analysis through a single platform.

»iPROM Advertorial is the optimal solution for advertisers looking to extend the reach of their content and improve the impact of their advertorials by harnessing the power of first-party data. This ensures that content reaches the right target audience when they are most receptive,« emphasises Andrej Ivanec, Digital Planning Director at iPROM.

About iPROM

iPROM is a leading regional provider of media and technology solutions for digital advertising on the open web. Our knowledge and experience help our customers streamline the complexities of marketing in the digital environment. By combining advanced technology with the most comprehensive consumer behaviour data on the market, we enable our clients to display the right advertising messages to the right person at the right time on the right device while also helping online publishers grow revenues.

iPROM is a high-tech company that brings together the broadest range of consulting, analytical, media and software solutions needed in digital media advertising. Our continuous investments in technological development help us stay ahead of the competition and keep our clients at the front of the minds of their target audiences.



iPROM contact

For more information contact:

Tanja Fon

Head of Corporate Communications