
We currently primarily purchase products related to our immediate needs. With the exception of basic necessities, we shop online and as the government containment measures are lifted gradually, we will return to our shopping habits, although they will be different. Advertising in digital media is a key communication tool for anchoring brands in the consumers' consciousness. The pandemic will likely force the awareness of this fact onto the last remaining holdouts against digital transformation and digital forms of communication.

The new digital wave is coming. We should get ready. - iPROM - Blog - Leon Brencic

Effectiveness of digital advertising is the key driver behind investments

A 2019 study by iPROM and Valicon found that almost three quarters of marketing decision-makers see effectiveness as the key driver for including digital advertising in their marketing communication strategy. Other key drivers include effective measuring of results, advanced targeting, and improved reach of target consumers.

As consumers increasingly follow digital media, focused communication with your target groups is becoming increasingly important. Success hinges on the ability to deliver a relevant message at the right time, the right place, and on the right device. iPROM Cloud is a technology platform for centralized management of advertising campaigns in digital media and supports different types of advanced targeting, performance management, and the ability to adapt advertising campaigns in real time.

Consumption of digital content reaches record levels

A march analysis of media consumption by iPROM found unprecedented levels of interest in most content categories in Slovenian digital media. In the second half of March, the audience for online content grew by 52 percent and users consumed 75 percent more online content on a daily basis than in February.

Digital advertising allows companies and brands to improve the return on their investments more effectively. Given the increase in media consumption, it makes sense for companies to adjust their marketing activities and deliver targeted communications to their audiences. For example, now is the time to invest in capturing leads who can later be invited to visit your points of sale. At this moment, Ad-tech is opening extraordinary opportunities. Attract visitors to your web site, showcase your offering and once your store (physical or virtual) is open, use retargeting to invite them to visit. This is just one of the numerous options available. If you miss this opportunity, there is a chance that the mindshare among your customers will be captured by your competition along with the resulting market share.

Consumption of digital content reaches record levels - iPROM - Blog - Leon Brenčič

Online shopping is booming

The current crisis is not a crisis in the traditional meaning of the word. Instead, we are witnessing an atypical form of a crisis. There is supply as well as corresponding demand so what we are seeing is limited consumer reach. The protective measures have shifted our touchpoints. Companies are adapting rapidly and doing business under the new conditions. Some are even doing better now than before the protective measures were adopted. They are adjusting their offer to customer needs, migrating their operations online, and ensuring contactless delivery of their products. Online stores are experiencing record growth and services that support remote business are flourishing. An example from the Slovenian market is Semenarna Ljubljana. In just two weeks in March, driven by the strength of digital media advertising, the company’s revenues from online sales exceeded their total annual revenue for last year for this channel. Experts believe that 90 percent of online users will have experience with online shopping by the end of the COVID-19 crisis. We can also expect that some of the new purchasing habits will stick with consumers.

Online shopping is booming - iPROM - Blog - Leon Brenčič

The new digital wave is coming. We should get ready.

Our experience from the previous crisis shows that consumer habits will change again. Modern consumers are more digital than a decade ago, creating the right conditions for very rapid changes. Conditions for digital experimentation across all age groups are here and this time, we are forced to try out new things. This holds true for consumers, as well as brands, companies, and organizations. Thoughtful communication during the crisis will make it easier to recover after it is over. We all know about examples, such as Kellogg and Post. The second digital wave is coming. We should get ready. It will be larger and hit harder than the one a decade ago.


About author

Leon Brenčič has been with iPROM since 2016, where he is in charge of sales and customer service. He is responsible for coordinating the work of the media department team in terms of sales and sales performance. A specialist in innovative sales approaches, he has extensive experience in identifying clients' needs when it comes to modern communications. He first encountered online media in a professional capacity in 2007. In his free time, Leon studies digital marketing concepts in industries such as automotive, banking, FMCG, consumer electronics, etc. By nature, he is an explorer of business opportunities, a passion he enthusiastically shares with his team and clients.