Andrej Ivanec for Delo: A portion of car sales will take place on the Internet even more often - iPROM - News

Andrej Ivanec for Delo: A portion of car sales will take place on the Internet even more often

Andrej Ivanec, Media Planning Director of iPROM, spoke to Delo about the meaning of digital channels for car brands.

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Nejc-Lepen-for-Svet-kapitala-How-technology-has-helped-us-push-the-boundaries-in-a-crisisNejc Lepen for Svet kapitala: How technology has helped us push the boundaries in a crisis - iPROM - News

Nejc Lepen for Svet kapitala: How technology has helped us push the boundaries in a crisis

McKinsey highlights the importance of the Chief Data Officers (CDO) as key to shaping crisis responses.

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Leon Brenčič for Marketing magazin: Has digital marketing already entered Industry 4.0? - iPROM - News

Leon Brenčič for Marketing magazin: Has digital marketing already entered Industry 4.0?

For the last couple of years, we have been talking about Industry 4.0 as part of the digital transformation. The main idea of digital transformation is to connect and intertwine digital and physical technologies using cloud services, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and robotics in order to provide more flexible, responsive and connected forms of operation based on data. If this transition to Industry 4.0 has been more subtle in recent years, we have now witnessed exponential progress. What has been the common thread of the past two months? Digitalisation and data. If you were not aware of their significance before the current situation, now, in the light of the new reality, the answers have come. Where is the digital marketing in this process?

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AdEx Slovenia 2019: Digital advertising is experiencing a boom on the wings of accelerated digitisation - iPROM - News

AdEx Slovenia 2019: Digital advertising is experiencing a boom on the wings of accelerated digitisation

The IAB Slovenia Institute presented its findings at the 18th IAB Academy on the topic of AdEx survey on gross investment in digital advertising for 2019. Investments in Slovenia are estimated at EUR 60.7 million, which is an increase of 11% compared to 2018. For this year, the iPROM and Valicon survey »The attitude of Slovenian companies towards digital advertising« before the Covid-19 pandemic predicted a 17% increase in investment in advertising on digital channels. Exact growth is difficult to predict in the given situation, but the interlocutors at the IAB Academy agreed that we are witnessing accelerated digitalisation, which also has a positive impact on digital advertising.

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consumers  - iPROM - News

Chinese consumers are prepared for a tourist offer

Life in China is getting back on track, and consumers want to travel again after a long time. Most of the interest is directed towards domestic tourism, which is coming back to normal.

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The wake of the automotive industry in China - iPROM - News

The wake of the automotive industry in China

Globalisation brings many benefits, but on the other hand, the interconnectedness of everything and everyone has affected the economy throughout the world, even in the era of new reality. The encouraging news is coming from China, from the automotive industry to be more precise.

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Miha Rejc for Marketing Magazin: Digital media content is more important than ever - iPROM - News

Miha Rejc for Marketing magazin: Digital media content is more important than ever

Miha Rejc, Head of Social-Media Management of iPROM, spoke to Marketing magazin in order to explain how the new reality affects marketing communications and an increase in social media traffic.

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Andrej Ivanec for Svet-kapitala: Nine times faster recovery of brands that did not stop advertising during the crisis - iPROM - News - Andrej Ivanec

Andrej Ivanec for Svet kapitala: Nine times faster recovery of brands that did not stop advertising during the crisis

Andrej Ivanec, Media Planning Director of iPROM, has conducted an interview with the business magazine »Svet kapitala«, in which he discussed the necessity of targeted advertising in this new reality.

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Tourism and marketing: the art of finding the right synergy - iPROM - News

Tourism and marketing: the art of finding the right synergy

Due to the pandemic, marketing in the tourism sector all over the world is facing numerous challenges. According to the predictions, national borders will soon be open again, with the tourist resorts being allowed to open their doors as well. This is why now is the perfect time for the tourist sector to remember contact with consumers who will soon be able to choose from among the many options available on the market.

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Programmatic advertising-A-Bright-Spot-for-Chinas-Advertisers-iPROM-News

Programmatic advertising – A Bright Spot for China’s Advertisers

China is recovering from the first wave of the pandemic and faces the economic challenges that affect the advertising market. eMarketer is forecasting that programmatic advertising spend will continue to grow thanks to its effectiveness and performance.

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