Display advertising helps strong brands stand out in the flood of media content - iPROM - Expert opinions - Andrej Ivanec

Display Advertising Helps Strong Brands Stand Out in the Flood of Media Content

Andrej Ivanec

Brands are like signposts for consumers and digital media is at the centre of information gathering where supply and demand intersect. The findings of the International Interactive Advertising Association’s (IAB) latest AdEx 2022 study reaffirm the key role of digital advertising, particularly display advertising, in enhancing brand visibility and establishing brands in a competitive marketplace. Despite the overwhelming volume of communication on the internet, advertisers are steadily increasing their investments in digital media, especially in display advertising based on first-party data. They have recognized the potential of this form of advertising for the long-term effectiveness of advertising efforts, the accurate targeting and the long-term consolidation of brand strength, ultimately resulting in increased sales.

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Data protection five years after the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation and why we emphasize the importance of first-party data - iPROM - Expert opinions - Miha Rejc

Data Protection Five Years After the Introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Why We Emphasize the Importance of First-Party Data

Miha Rejc

It’s been five years since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect, giving us all a few extra grey hairs. But it’s important to understand that all our efforts were worthwhile, since we are only now recognising that this was an important milestone in the overall regulation of data protection and privacy. In this post, I will cover the origins of the GDPR, highlight its impact over the past five years, discuss the effectiveness of the regulation, and explain the role of iPROM Private DMP as a solution for advertisers.

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Matjaž Fajfar at Digital Day Own your audience and take back control - iPROM - Expert opinions - Matjaž Fajfar

Matjaž Fajfar at Digital Day: Own Your Audience

Matjaž Fajfar

Matjaž Fajfar, Expansion Manager Adriatics and DACH at iPROM, gave a presentation at the Digital Day conference hosted by IAB Serbia, highlighting the growing importance of private first-party data management platforms, independent ad tech solutions and the role of first-party data in highly effective audience targeting through programmatic advertising platforms.

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Dominate the Post-Third-Party Cookie Era: Leverage First-Party Data to Gain Competitive Edge - iPROM - Expert opinions - Miloš Suša

Dominate the Post-Third-Party Cookie Era: Leverage First-Party Data to Gain Competitive Edge

Miloš Suša

For many years, third-party cookies have been an essential tool for digital marketers to gather data on consumer behaviour and personalize their advertising activities. However, with the rise of data privacy concerns and the phasing out of third-party cookies by major tech companies, marketers are scrambling for alternatives. In this new era when third-party cookies will no longer be a viable option, first-party data has become crucial for creating personalized advertising and gaining a competitive edge.

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Utilize the power of first-party data and advanced analytical tools for better results - iPROM - Expert opinions - Anže Hribar

Utilize the Power of First-Party Data and Advanced Analytical Tools for Better Results

Anže Hribar

In today’s rapidly evolving, technology-driven world, digital data remains critical to advertisers and companies are quickly recognizing the need to shift their focus to more sophisticated first-party data management platforms and analytics tools. To navigate this new landscape and optimize targeting strategies more effectively, we must first understand why independent first-party platforms and complementary analytical tools must be part of every advertiser’s toolkit.

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Independent Ad-Tech Solutions Give Brands Control, Greater ROI and a Secure Future - iPROM - Expert opinions - Tomaž Tomšič

Independent Ad-Tech Solutions Give Brands Control, Greater ROI and a Secure Future

Tomaž Tomšič

In today’s dynamic digital environment, we can no longer rely on the tech giants to deliver a high return on advertising investment. As we accelerate our move towards a cookieless era, brands must take ownership for their own data and invest in building their own media walled garden to stay competitive. By using independent Ad-Tech solutions such as iPROM Private DMP, which puts user data at the forefront of the decision-making process and does not share it with competitors, companies can use their data more effectively while gaining direct access to their desired customer segments. This will also improve the long-term performance of their marketing activities and advertising campaigns.

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Why Brands Should Build Their Own Walled Garden for Digital Advertising: The Benefits of Leveraging First-Party Data and iPROM's Private DMP Solution - iPROM - Expert opinions - Miha Rejc

Why Brands Should Build Their Own Private Walled Garden for Digital Advertising: The Benefits of Leveraging First-Party Data and iPROM’s Private DMP Solution

Miha Rejc

Brands are increasingly looking for ways to take control of their digital advertising and marketing in order to ensure that their ad spend is being used effectively. Building a private walled garden can provide them with the data they need to make informed decisions about how and where to spend their advertising budget. A walled garden can be defined as a closed system or network where user content and activities are restricted to the boundaries of the garden.

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How Fraport Slovenija's Walled Garden Campaigns Are Consistently Producing Excellent Results and a Cost-Effective Return on Investment - iPROM - Expert opinions - Leon Brenčič

How Fraport Slovenija’s Private Walled Garden Campaigns Are Consistently Producing Excellent Results and a Cost-Effective Return on Investment

Leon Brenčič

Imagine being able to effectively address a predefined audience according to their interests and improve the effectiveness of advertising campaigns by using the perfect message at the right moment. This is exactly what Fraport Slovenia, the operator of Aerodrom Ljubljana, is now able to accomplish with their walled garden campaigns.

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Eliminating Bias in Ad Targeting: How iPROM Private DMP is Leading the Way - iPROM - Expert opinions - Simon Struna

Eliminating Bias in Ad Targeting: How iPROM Private DMP is Leading the Way

Simon Struna

Ad targeting has long been plagued by bias, with traditional methods relying on assumptions about demographics and failing to accurately represent the diverse and changing nature of modern consumers. As a result, many brands have struggled to reach and engage their target audience effectively, fuelling frustration and the rise of ad blocking technologies. However, iPROM Private DMP is here to change the rules to this game.

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The Importance of First-Party Data in Digital Advertising: Understanding the Differences Between First-, Second-, and Third-Party Data - iPROM Expert opinions - Nejc Lepen

The Importance of First-Party Data in Digital Advertising: Understanding the Differences Between First-, Second-, and Third-Party Data

Nejc Lepen

Have you ever thought about the different types of data used in digital advertising? If so, you’re not alone. In today’s digital world, data plays a crucial role in marketing efforts, and it’s important to understand the different types of data that are available and their potential applications.
In this blog post, we’ll be exploring the differences between first-party data, second-party data, and third-party data.

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