About author

Anže Hribar is the Chief Analytics Officer at iPROM. He is fascinated by big data platforms and using them to find the right information. He brings his web development and marketing experience to the development and integration of advanced analytics solutions, helping clients make the right business decisions. Previously, he was the Head of Search Marketing for top brands in international markets at iPROM.
Analytical tools - the key to understanding the purchase journey and making the right business decisions - iPROM - Expert opinions - Anže Hribar

Analytical tools – the key to understanding the purchase journey and making the right business decisions

Anže Hribar

Any business looking to succeed in the digital era needs to understand the consumer’s purchase journey, as consumers have endless options and channels for shopping. iPROM collaborates with Valicon to conduct market research and can use data analysis and interpretation to improve the customer experience and increase competitiveness in the market. This research focuses on the Slovenian consumers’ purchase journeys across various product categories, monitoring changes in their purchase behaviour over time.

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Cookiepocalypse 2024: the road to independent and effective digital advertising - iPROM - Expert opinions - Anže Hribar

Cookiepocalypse 2024: the road to independent and effective digital advertising

Anže Hribar

The year 2024 will mark an important milestone in the digital advertising and marketing ecosystem – the end of third-party cookies, known as the ‘cookiepocalypse’. This change is a direct response to the growing user demands for more privacy and the changing regulatory landscape. Marketers face the challenge of fundamentally rethinking their strategies to navigate this new environment successfully.

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Utilize the power of first-party data and advanced analytical tools for better results - iPROM - Expert opinions - Anže Hribar

Utilize the Power of First-Party Data and Advanced Analytical Tools for Better Results

Anže Hribar

In today’s rapidly evolving, technology-driven world, digital data remains critical to advertisers and companies are quickly recognizing the need to shift their focus to more sophisticated first-party data management platforms and analytics tools. To navigate this new landscape and optimize targeting strategies more effectively, we must first understand why independent first-party platforms and complementary analytical tools must be part of every advertiser’s toolkit.

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About author

Anže Hribar is the Chief Analytics Officer at iPROM. He is fascinated by big data platforms and using them to find the right information. He brings his web development and marketing experience to the development and integration of advanced analytics solutions, helping clients make the right business decisions. Previously, he was the Head of Search Marketing for top brands in international markets at iPROM.