Increasing advertising effectiveness with a single data source - iPROM - Expert opinions - Andrej Cetin

Increasing advertising effectiveness with a single data source

Andrej Cetin

When we talk to our clients about the advantages of digital advertising compared over its traditional forms, we repeatedly refer to its effectiveness, measurability and the ability to adapt advertising campaigns in real time. These are the key benefits of digital advertising, which give companies better returns when it comes to advertising investments. Of course, modern digital advertising is fuelled by data, which has become a precious commodity. However, the growth in usage increasingly calls for the use of a single data source, as this is the only way to ensure comprehensive and transparent insight into the performance of advertising campaigns.

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The telecommunications industry is pushing the limits in data technology use - iPROM - Expert opinions - Miloš Suša

The telecommunications industry is pushing the limits in data technology use

Miloš Suša

The method of communication has changed profoundly in a truly short period of time. In less than 30 years, we have gone from phone calls and messages to e-mail, video chats and, lately, to virtual reality and the Internet of Things and Services. The telecommunication industry is breaking new ground in the field of digital restructuring. On the other hand, this industry, one of the richest when it comes to data, is still not fully benefitting from the potential offered by the telecommunication industry itself, particularly when it comes to better understanding the consumers and satisfying their wishes.

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Personal care brands - now is the time to take full advantage of digital channels - iPROM - Blog -  Sašo Fleiss

Personal care brands – now is the time to take full advantage of digital channels

Sašo Fleiss

Sales of personal care products are one of the fastest growing segments of the online store, pushing the boundaries every year and achieving record returns. There are countless sellers on the World Wide Web, but only a few take the full advantage of the power of digital communication and advertising.

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B2B marketing is rapidly moving to digital channels - iPROM - Blog - Uroš Končar

B2B marketing is rapidly moving to digital channels

Uroš Končar

We live in an unprecedented time. The consequences of the pandemic have halted all aspects of the world economy for a while and created a different new normality. This has strongly influenced marketing approaches in the B2B segment, where in the past marketing was based on one of the more traditional marketing communication tools, such as events and trade fairs. Unfortunately, many of the major business events have been cancelled for 2020. What can B2B companies do and how can they overcome these challenges?

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Nejc-Lepen-for-Svet-kapitala-How-technology-has-helped-us-push-the-boundaries-in-a-crisisNejc Lepen for Svet kapitala: How technology has helped us push the boundaries in a crisis - iPROM - News

Nejc Lepen for Svet kapitala: How technology has helped us push the boundaries in a crisis

Nejc Lepen

McKinsey highlights the importance of the Chief Data Officers (CDO) as key to shaping crisis responses.

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Leon Brenčič for Marketing magazin: Has digital marketing already entered Industry 4.0? - iPROM - News

Leon Brenčič for Marketing magazin: Has digital marketing already entered Industry 4.0?

Leon Brenčič

For the last couple of years, we have been talking about Industry 4.0 as part of the digital transformation. The main idea of digital transformation is to connect and intertwine digital and physical technologies using cloud services, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and robotics in order to provide more flexible, responsive and connected forms of operation based on data. If this transition to Industry 4.0 has been more subtle in recent years, we have now witnessed exponential progress. What has been the common thread of the past two months? Digitalisation and data. If you were not aware of their significance before the current situation, now, in the light of the new reality, the answers have come. Where is the digital marketing in this process?

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Greater use of the internet and an increased visit to digital media require adaptations to the design of media buying - iPROM - Blog - Slaven Petrovič

Greater use of the internet and an increased visit to digital media require adaptations to the design of media buying

Slaven Petrovič

In the current situation, the efficiency of advertising is now more important than ever. Thus, it makes sense that the experts in the design of media buying take into account the increasing activity of consumers in digital media and direct their inputs just where the susceptible target group is located.

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Miha Rejc for Marketing Magazin: Digital media content is more important than ever - iPROM - News

Miha Rejc for Marketing magazin: Digital media content is more important than ever

Miha Rejc

Miha Rejc, Head of Social-Media Management of iPROM, spoke to Marketing magazin in order to explain how the new reality affects marketing communications and an increase in social media traffic.

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Andrej Ivanec for Svet-kapitala: Nine times faster recovery of brands that did not stop advertising during the crisis - iPROM - News - Andrej Ivanec

Andrej Ivanec for Svet kapitala: Nine times faster recovery of brands that did not stop advertising during the crisis

Andrej Ivanec

Andrej Ivanec, Media Planning Director of iPROM, has conducted an interview with the business magazine »Svet kapitala«, in which he discussed the necessity of targeted advertising in this new reality.

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Predictive advertising  consumer decisions can be predicted - iPROM - Blog - Miloš Suša

Advertising in the time of change: The context and accurate targeting have never been more important

Miloš Suša

As the physical world stopped in its tracks for a bit, online life has never been more alive. Digital media are breaking visitor number records as are the companies that pivoted to online sales and accelerated their digital channel communication efforts. For companies looking to survive it has never been more important to use advanced digital advertising technologies to communicate with consumers effectively. The winners of this crisis will be those who are ready to become digital.

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