Case studies

Case study - T-2 improves targeting accuracy sevenfold using advanced technology and data solutions - list - iPROM

T-2 improves targeting accuracy sevenfold using advanced technology and data solutions

T-2's advertising campaign aimed to reach new customers and expand its presence in the telecommunications market. Using advanced technology and data solutions, it successfully reached potential subscribers, with precise targeting and ad optimisation helping to improve advertising effectiveness by a factor of 6.9.

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Case study - MERKUR accelerates registration of 80,000 new loyalty programme members with a first-party strategy - iPROM - list

MERKUR accelerates registration of 80,000 new loyalty programme members with a first-party strategy

MERKUR has unified its loyalty programme on the MERKUR Zate platform, leveraging first-party data to drive personalized digital advertising. The campaign successfully boosted registrations and app downloads by engaging both existing and potential customers through targeted messaging and innovative customer interactions.

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Case study - Sparkasse Bank achieves 44% increase in new customers with data-driven advertising and first-party data - iPROM - List

Sparkasse Bank achieves 44% increase in new customers with data-driven advertising and first-party data

Sparkasse has leveraged AI and first-party data in a digital advertising campaign, achieving a 44% growth in new customers while setting a benchmark for personalized banking ads.

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Referenca - Volkswagen je z uporabo prvoosebne strategije ciljanja in oglasnim konceptom iPROM Konfigurator - iPROM

Volkswagen has generated nearly 20,000 unique configurations for the New Tiguan using the iPROM Configurator

Volkswagen implemented the iPROM Configurator concept in its digital advertising campaign for the New Tiguan, enhancing user engagement and enabling seamless real-time vehicle customization directly from the ad.

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Referenca - Volkswagen je z uporabo prvoosebne strategije ciljanja in oglasnim konceptom iPROM Konfigurator - iPROM

Volkswagen activated more than 7,500 potential customers and increased traffic to the showcase page for the new T-Cross by 300% using a first-party targeting strategy and the iPROM Configurator ad concept for vehicle exploration

Volkswagen has used the iPROM Configurator concept in advanced ad formats in a digital advertising campaign for the new T-Cross, boosting customer engagement and encouraging users to explore the new T-Cross directly from the ad.

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References - SKB banka improves digital advertising effectiveness through digital media buying using first-party data on digital audiences - iPROM - List

SKB banka improves digital advertising effectiveness through digital media buying using first-party data on digital audiences

In the spring, SKB banka unveiled a fresh creative design and a promotional offer for consumer loans for unexpected expenses, which were aimed at existing and new customers. As SKB banka is constantly striving to improve its advertising strategies and connect with its target audience, the bank implemented a successful advertising campaign based on first-party data.

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Case study - The Lisca brand achieved an eightfold increase in online swimwear sales in the Croatian market by utilizing first-party data for targeted digital media buying - iPROM - List

The Lisca brand achieved an eightfold increase in online swimwear sales in the Croatian market by utilizing first-party data for targeted digital media buying

Lisca wanted to increase awareness of the new swimwear collection on the Croatian market and increase sales via the online store

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Referenca - Fraport Slovenija s kontinuirano podatkovno gnano strategijo pri akciji »Destinacije z ljubljanskega letališča po meri uporabnika« z 12-odstotno konverzijo pri prodaji letalskih vozovnic - Seznam - iPROM

Fraport Slovenija achieves 12% conversion rate in plane ticket sales with data-driven, always-on Customer-Personalized »Destinations from Ljubljana Airport« campaign

To promote locations accessible from Ljubljana Airport, Fraport Slovenija has launched a continuous advertising campaign on its Ljubljana Airport FLY programmatic platform.

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Case study - Microsoft used iPROM Ad Tech solutions to boost Microsoft Surface sales by 20% - List - iPROM

Microsoft used iPROM Ad Tech solutions to boost Microsoft Surface sales by 20%

Microsoft was looking to use digital advertising to support the launch of the new Microsoft Surface laptop and further increase direct sales of the product through three Slovenian retailers.

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mömax uses iPROM Catalogues to achieve double the sales compared to printed catalogues

Retailer mömax used iPROM Catalogues solution to digitise its December sales catalogue and use it in an advertising campaign. As a result, sales were twice as high as they were during the same advertising period a year earlier, when they were driven exclusively by the printed catalogue.

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Case study - Turkish Airlines - Turkish Airlines partners with iPROM to achieve exceptional ticket sales - List - iPROM

Turkish Airlines partners with iPROM to achieve exceptional ticket sales

By relying on data-driven display advertising, Turkish Airlines and iPROM are setting new milestones in digital marketing.

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Referenca - Wolt - Seznam - iPROM

Wolt increases the number of orders by 7% in 14 days with iPROM's »mobile first« strategy

iPROM designed a mobile-focused advertising campaign for Wolt, a company that exclusively uses digital channels for its communication activities. In just 14 days, we have seen an increase in company service orders, the use of the Wolt app and frequency of purchases.

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Referenca - BKS Leasing - Naše srce bije za vaše želje - Seznam - iPROM

BKS Leasing increases sales of car leases by 5% with iPROM's Real-time Creative technology

iPROM designed an innovative digital advertising campaign for BKS Leasing that included personalised advertising with dynamic ad formats, user retargeting on other online media properties and automated enquiry submission via email.

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Case studies - With interactive iPROM Survey, Semenarna Ljubljana exceeded the expected response rate by almost 4 times in three days - List - iPROM

With interactive iPROM Survey, Semenarna Ljubljana exceeded the expected response rate by almost 4 times in three days

To make sure the online survey reached as large a share of online users as possible, iPROM ran an advertising campaign in Slovenian digital media.

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Sberbank banka d.d. uses iPROM Cloud to triple the number of accounts opened remotely

iPROM designed an advertising campaign for Sberbank that integrated creative design and production of a video ad, traditional and advanced ad formats in digital media, and influencer activation on social media. iPROM Cloud technology was utilized to reach the target group more efficiently.

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Referenca - SKB banka - Potrošniški krediti - Seznam - iPROM

SKB banka applies new digital advertising approaches to double the share of potential consumer loan clients

In the final quarter of last year, SKB banka doubled the number of captured leads for consumer loans by using predictive analytics and iPROM’s most advanced targeting approach in combination with dynamic creative solutions.

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Canon's integrated digital campaign for the Canon Colorado printer wows design enthusiasts - List - iPROM

Canon's integrated digital campaign for the Canon Colorado printer wows design enthusiasts

The Interior Decor campaign for Canon, showcasing the Canon Colorado printer, delivered an integrated campaign that harnessed the power of engaging content to reach customers through digital channels.

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Case studies - Čokolino Protein Power: When collaboration with influencers evolves into a comprehensive and engaging campaign - Top - iPROM

Čokolino Protein Power: When working with influencers evolves into a comprehensive and engaging campaign

iPROM worked with Podravka to create an attractive advertising campaign involving three Slovenian influencers in the field of sports and active lifestyle, as well as advertising on social media and outdoors.

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Case studies - Interseroh’s online presence strategy allowed it to successfully reach a new customer demographic - List - iPROM

Interseroh’s online presence strategy allowed it to successfully reach a new customer demographic

We worked with Interseroh Slovenija to develop the communication campaign “We do good together”, which raised awareness of the importance of partnership and care for the environment.

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Municipality of Murska Sobota used iPROM technology for advertising in digital media to fill the tourism capacities in Pomurje

iPROM encouraged Slovenian consumers to visit Pomurje and the Expano pavilion with a digital strategy based on the analysis of the purchase journey for tourism services carried out with iPROM DMP.

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Semenarna Ljubljana: Advertising in digital media results in record online sales

In just two weeks, the Kalia's online sales revenues driven by digital media advertising matched the online sales revenues for the entire 2019.

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LifeClass: Oglaševanje turističnih vavčerjev v digitalnih medijih v dveh tednih zagotovilo 522 oddanih povpraševanj - iPROM - Študije primerov - seznam

LifeClass: Advertising tourist vouchers, using digital media, provided 522 submitted inquiries in two weeks

With the client LifeClass Portorož, we wanted to adapt to the economic situation and use the advertising campaign on digital channels to encourage online users to redeem tourist vouchers for LifeClass hotel services before it was known exactly how they could be redeemed.

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case studies - UniCredit - logo

UniCredit Banka Slovenija Generates 265% Growth in Term Deposits

At the end of 2018, UniCredit Banka Slovenija began reviving the market for term deposits. After UniCredit Banka Slovenija designed an excellent product, it was iPROM's job to bring it closer to the target group.

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case studies - volkswagen - shake ad - logo

Volkswagen: Using the iPROM Shake Ad to Drive Above Average User Engagement

The new iPROM Shake Ad improved response rates by 70% and increased engagement by 760% compared to similar non-interactive ad formats.
Volkswagen was among the first clients to test the new iPROM Shake Ad.

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case studies - canon - logo

Canon, Adriatic Region: Social Media Communication

The goal of the cooperation is to provide comprehensive social media management for the Canon brand in the region (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia) and to generate locally relevant content.

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case studies - fox networks group - logo

iPROM for Fox Networks Group

iPROM for Fox: How to make sure video content reaches as many users as possible as quickly as possible? The answer is simple - Unistream Video Ad™.

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case studies - Fraport - logo

iPROM for Fraport Slovenija

iPROM worked with Fraport Slovenija to identify the moment of basketball fever and shift the Airport stars campaign to digital channels. Our strategy was clear – reward the loyal passengers without whom 2018 would not have been as successful.

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case studies - amer sports logo

Amer Sports: iPROM Delivers High-Quality Fans of the Salomon Brand

We used advanced format display advertising and social media ads to advertise Salomon sport shoes. We used personalized communication through custom landing pages designed to introduce the new Salomon products and the prize contest.

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case studies - moemax - logo

iPROM for mömax

By partnering with influencers, mömax and iPROM created a successful children's room promotion.

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case studies - atlantic grupa - logo

Atlantic Grupa: Advanced Targeting and iPROM's DMP Drove a Five-Fold Increase in the Sales of the New Argeta Spreads

Argeta wanted to introduce a new product line of Argeta vegetable spreads by using an ad campaign called "Discover how you like them best".

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case studies - Thermana Laško - logo

Thermana Laško: iPROM 360 Delivers Excellent Engagement Rates

We used our iPROM 360 solution to create an advertising campaign for Thermana Laško. iPROM 360 allows companies to integrate 360-degree video and photo content into digital advertising.

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case studies - lisca - logo.jpg

iPROM for Lisca

iPROM carried out an international advertising campaign and a prize contest for Lisca in eight European markets.

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case studies - skb - logo

SKB banka - Promotion of Spring Consumer and Housing Loans

We worked with SKB banka to expand their digital media promotional campaign to include the offering of consumer and housing loans on the Slovenian market.

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case studies - volkswagen - logo

iPROM for Volkswagen

iPROM's digital advertising strategy was based on a multi-channel programmatic approach with special focus on video advertising.

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